Our plans

BASIC HR e-Profile

  • Recommended for fast decisions and a quick comparison between candidates. 

Method: self-administered. The candidate will receive an email with the link to connect to our platform.  Our specialized team will select the best tests for the position to be filled. Once the complete test is done, the client will receive a full report via email.

Duration: 1 hour

Report: Automated, easy to read and including:

  • Rational and practical thinking capabilities
  • Working performance
  • Team work
  • Conflict resolution
  • Emotional inteligence
  • Motivation and values

For the client to have a quick insight of the candidate´s potential performance, work ethics and interpersonal behavior.


  • Recommended for semi senior and senior profiles. 

Self administered Psycometric tests + Specialized Psychologyst Projective tests and interview interpretation.

Tests available in this Plan:

  • Interview with Specialized Psychologist
  • Bender Test
  • Rorscharch Test
  • TRO
  • DISC
  • Schein Test
  • Psycometric tests

1 hour and 40 minutes

Report: Not automated and sent in 24 hours. Written by Specialized Psychologist after interpreting the interview and projective tests. 

Goal: For the client to have a deep insight of the candidate´s personality, growth potential and working performance. 

FULL HR e-Profile

  • Recommended for senior profiles, leaders, directors, CEOs.

Self administered Psycometric tests + Specialized Psychologyst Projective tests and interview interpretation.

Tests available in this Plan:

  • Interview with Specialized Psychologist
  • Bender Test
  • Rorscharch Test
  • TRO
  • DISC
  • Schein Test
  • Psycometric tests

2 hours

Report: Not automated and sent in 24 hours. Written by Specialized Psychologist after interpreting the interview and projective tests. 

Goal: For the client to have a deep insight of the candidate´s personality, especially in regards to: managerial skills, leadership style and potential.